1. 网络与新媒体的发展与趋势
- Castells, M. (2010). The rise of the network society. Wiley-Blackwell.
- Jenkins, H. (2006). Convergence culture: Where old and new media collide. NYU Press.
- Van Dijck, J. (2013). The culture of connectivity: A critical history of social media. Oxford University Press.
2. 社交媒体与网络交流
- boyd, d., & Ellison, N. (2007). Social network sites: Definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 210-230.
- Rheingold, H. (2014). Net smart: How to thrive online. MIT Press.
- Turkle, S. (2011). Alone together: Why we expect more from technology and less from each other. Basic Books.
3. 在线新闻与媒介传播
- Boczkowski, P. J. (2004). Digitizing the news: Innovation in online newspapers. MIT Press.
- Deuze, M. (2003). The web and its journalisms: Considering the consequences of different types of newsmedia online. New Media & Society, 5(2), 203-230.
- Gillmor, D. (2006). We the media: Grassroots journalism by the people, for the people. O'Reilly Media.
4. 网络与新媒体的社会影响
- Boyd, D. (2014). It's complicated: The social lives of networked teens. Yale University Press.
- Castells, M. (2012). Networks of outrage and hope: Social movements in the Internet age. Polity.
- Shirky, C. (2008). Here comes everybody: The power of organizing without organizations. Penguin.
5. 网络与新媒体的法律与伦理问题
- Lessig, L. (2006). Code: Version 2.0. Basic Books.
- Nissenbaum, H. (2010). Privacy in context: Technology, policy, and the integrity of social life. Stanford Law Books.
- Vaidhyanathan, S. (2012). The googlization of everything: (and why we should worry). University of California Press.
6. 网络与新媒体的教育与学习
- Gee, J. P. (2007). What video games have to teach us about learning and literacy. Macmillan.
- Ito, M., et al. (2012). Hanging out, messing around, and geeking out: Kids living and learning with new media. MIT Press.
- Jenkins, H., et al. (2013). Participatory culture in a networked era: A conversation on youth, learning, commerce, and politics. Polity.
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